Unemployment: A social evil

Employment is a eminent stage of humane life.In simple words unemployment refers to the state of a person without anywork that is required money for his/her living.Unemployment make a person feel insecure and uncertain for his/her future.they start lead to strain,uncomfort in their lifezone. Our society  show demean who are unemployed and people started to become frustrate .they are loosing their self confidence and start frustrating from their life.
Type  of unemployment:
There are various kinds of unemployment.
Frictional Unemployment-this is unemployment caused by the time people changing jobs.there will always be same frictional unemployment in an economy because infomation is not perfect and it takes time to find work.
Cyclical unemployment- cyclical unemployment exist when individuals lose their jobs as a result of a downturn in aggregate demand . If the decline in aggregate demand is persistent,and employment long term ,it is called either demand deficient,general unemployment.

Seasonal unemployment -seasonal unemployment produce because certain industries only produce or distribute upto certin times of a year.Industries where seasonal unemployment is common include farming,turism and construction.
Regional unemployment-when structural unemployment affects local area of an economy ,it is called 'regional' unemployment.
e.g- unemployed employ of coal miners in south wales and ship workers  in the north east add to regional add to regional unemployment in these area.
Reasons responsible for unemployment:
  1. There is very big reason behind this,Anthropist said over this human metality is moving with thought of unemployment and upset his/her mind before to do anything, this thought getting negativity before to start any work; and they do not get success in that work.
  2. This reason is very common basically happening with most of students ;we fail into choose our goals according to our skill ; we get impose to opt other's selected path by parents or sometimes students choose itself without knowing about that field,rather they got job ;there is 80% chance they will success.
  3. we can also say due to selection of heavy number of same course vie to see friends,cousin  or to imposed by others and decide to make career in that unfamiliar field.
Factors of  unemployment:
This occurs due to mismatch of skill in the labour market it can be caused by:
Occupational immobilities:this refers to the difficulties in learning new skill applicable to a new industry and technological change.
e.g-An unempolyed farmer may struggle to find work in high tech industry.
Geographical immobility: thi refers to difficulty in moving regiom to get a job.
e-g: there may be job in rural area but it could be difficult to find suitable accommodation or schooling for their children.
Technological change: this is very relevant factor for change the world into unemployment.if there is development of labour saving technology in some industries then there will be fall in demand of labour.
A selection of course should be certain those advantage and disadvantage should be familiar to you; thats should be likely to demanded in right time and might be in future also play a crucial role.Don't opt any possesed course ,wherein  you dont have intrest.
